Dying To Meet You Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise CALL NUMBER: F KLI t all starts...
Finally Finally by Wendy Mass CALL NUMBER: F MAS This book is about a girl named Rory who couldn’t wait...
The Shadows The Shadows by Jacqueline West and illustrated by Poly Bernatene CALL NUMBER: F WES This book is about a...
My Life As a Book My Life As a Book by Janet Tashjian with cartoons by Jake Tashjian Call Number: F TAS This book...
Claws Claws by Mike Grinti and Rachel Grinti Call Number: F GRI This book is about a girl named Emma on a mission...
Holes Holes by Louis Sachar Call Number: F SAC The book Holes is about a kid named Stanley and he gets...
The Red Pyramid The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. Call Number: F RIO I love this book because it is full of adventure and...
Capture the Flag Capture The Flag by Kate Messner Call Number: F MES This is an amazing new book that I want...
Horrible Harry And The Dungeon Horrible Harry and the Dungeon by Suzy Kline Pictures by Frank Remkiewicz Call Number: F KLI Students in South...
Genre Study Library Activity This week for our RBE Students, we are offering a flipped library learning opportunity! Since our students are learning...
My Chimp Friday My Chimp Friday : The Nana Banana Chronicles by Hester Mundis. This book is so hilarious that you could die of laughter!...
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling I am writing a rave review for this...
Dying to Meet You This is called 43 Old Cemetary Road Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise. I love this book because...
The Book of Story Beginnings The Book of Story Beginnings by Kristin Kladstrup appears to be mysterious to me when I figured out about Oscar...
The Ghost of Fossil Glen The Ghost of Fossil Glen by Cynthia DeFelice. I like this book because it has so much mystery and...
Dying to Meet You Dying to Meet You by Kate Klise and illustrated by M SarahKlise is a funny and suspenseful book. It is...
The Witch’s Guide to Cooking With Children The Witch’s Guide To Cooking With Children by Keith McGowan with illustrations by Yoko Tanaka is a Texas Bluebonnet...
Over My Dead Body Over My Dead Body by Kate Klise is a funny book about a ghost, an old writer, and a...
Juniper Berry Juniper Berry by M. P. Kozlowsky and illustrations by Erwin Madrid is a new book that I read this...