Fudge-A-Mania Fudge-A-Mania by Judy Blume Call Number: F BLU This book is about a boy named Peter and his little...
The Adventures of Ook and Gluk : Kung-Fu Cavemen From The Future The Adventures of Ook and Gluk : Kung-Fu Cavemen From The Future by Dav Pilkey and by George Beard and Harold Hutchins. Call Number:...
The Medusa Plot The Medusa Plot by Gordon Korman Call Number: F 39C I love this book so much that I just can’t get it...
Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life by Rachel Renée Russell Call Number: F RUS Nikki is such a funny girl....
Capture the Flag Capture The Flag by Kate Messner Call Number: F MES This is an amazing new book that I want...
Captain Underpants And The Invasion Of The Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space (and the subsequent assault of the equally evil lunchroom zombie nerds) Captain Underpants and the invasion of the incredibly naughty cafeteria ladies from outer space (and the subsequent assault of...
Horrible Harry And The Dungeon Horrible Harry and the Dungeon by Suzy Kline Pictures by Frank Remkiewicz Call Number: F KLI Students in South...
Where The Sidewalk Ends Where The Sidewalk Ends : The Poems & Drawings of Shel Silverstein Call Number: 811 SIL Very funny poems. To...
Bear Snores On Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and illustrations by Jane Chapman Call Number: E WIL The bear did not...
The Candymakers The Candymakers by Wendy Mass Call Number: F MAS Logan Sweet is the son of the famous Candymaker who...
Big Nate On A Roll One of our 3rd grade classes read Big Nate On A Roll ! Below are the Rave Reviews that class...
Hooray for Amanda & Her Alligator Hoorary for Amanda & Her Alligator By Mo Willems Call Number: E WIL Amanda has an alligator. Amanda and...
Captain Underpants #9 @RBE Library! At long last, the 9th installment of Captain Underpants is here! The RBE Library claimed this book at the...
Kindergarten & LMNOPeas Here at the RBE Library, Kindergarten students have been enjoying the Texas 2×2 books being read aloud! Over the...
Frisco Public Library Poetry Contest The Frisco Public Library is hosting a poetry contest. Please see Mrs. Lambert if you need a form. We...
Double Fudge The book Double Fudge by Judy Blume, will make you laugh and laugh until the end! This book is...
Toys Go Out Toys Go Out : Being the Adventures of a Knowledgeable Stingray, a Toughy Little Buffalo, and Someone Called Plastic...
Easy Origami Easy Origami by Didier Boursin with translation and origami consultation by John Reid. The review is about a book called Easy Origami. The...
Falling Up: Poems and Drawings Falling Up: Poems and Drawings by Shel Silverstein is a good book because it has really funny stories in...
Holes Holes by Louis Sachar is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Holes is about a boy and he received a pair of shoes that...
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing by Judy Blume is about this boy Peter and his little brother Farley but...
5th Grade Book Trailers Today in the RBE Library, I will be working with all of 5th Grade to show them how...
Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates Captain Raptor and the Space Pirates by Kevin O’Malley and Patrick O’Brien with illustrations by Patrick O’Brien is an awesome...
Turtle In Paradise Find this book in Fiction at F HOL Turtle In Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm is a wonderful, wonderful...
A Friend Like You Find this book in Easy Fiction at E ASK A Friend Like You by Tanja Askani is a cute...