The Nazi Hunters The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb This book is about a war criminal from world war II named Adolf...
Aston Martin Aston Martin by Randal C. Hill with reading consultant Barbara J. Fox and content consultant, James Elliott CALL NUMBER: 329.222 HIL...
Guinness World Records 2013 Guinness World Records 2013 CALL NUMBER: 031 GUI This book is about world records people want to share about. The...
Alien Investigation : Searching for the Truth About UFOs and Aliens Alien Investigation : Searching for the Truth About UFOs and Aliens by Kelly Milner Halls and illustrated by Rick C....
Owly: The Way Home & Bittersweet Summer Owly: The Way Home & Bittersweet Summer by Andy Runton CALL NUMBER: 741.5 RUN Owly meets the humming birds and...
Owly: Just A Little Blue Owly: Just A Little Blue by Andy Runton CALL NUMBER: 741.5 RUN A owl that tries to be friends with...
Lunch Lady And The Summer Camp Shakedown Lunch Lady And The Summer Camp Shakedown by Jarrett J. Krosoczka CALL NUMBER: 741.5 KRO This book is about A summer camp....
Mal & Chad: Food Fight Mal and Chad: Food fight! by Stephen McCranie CALL NUMBER: 741.5 MCC This book is about a dog named Chad and his...
Porche Porsche by Lisa Bullard CALL NUMBER: 629.222 BUL This book is about Porsches witch is a type of car that...
Aston Martin Aston Martin by Randal C. Hill reading consultant Barbara J. Fox content consultant James Elliott CALL NUMBER: 629.222 HIL Strap your...
Air Crashes Air crashes by Elaine Landau CALL NUMBER: 363.12 LAN This book is about many famous air crashes that marked history...
The Hindenburg disaster The Hindenburg Disaster by Matt Doeden and illustrated by Steve Erwin, Keith Williams, and Charles Barnett III CALL NUMBER: 363.12...
Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World : The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance Shipwreck at the bottom of the world : the extraordinary true story of Shackleton and the Endurance by Jennifer...
The Kids Question and Answer Book The Kids’ Question and Answer Book by OWL Magazine Editors This book is a Q/A book. There isn’t a...
Thunder Birds Thunder Birds : Nature’s Flying Predators by Jim Arnosky Call Number: 598.153 ARN The amazing birds of earth,and how they live.It includes...
Under The Mambo Moon Under The Mambo Moon by Julia Durango and illustrated by Fabricio Vanden Broeck Call Number: 811 DUR This book...
What You Never Knew About Fingers, Forks, & Chopsticks What You Never Knew About Fingers, Forks, & Chopsticks by Patricia Lauber and illustrated by John Manders Call Number: 394.1...
Pokémon Ultimate Handbook Pokémon Ultimate Handbook by Cris Silvestri Call Number: 794.8 SIL This book contains info about Pokemon. It tells you...
Drawing and Learning About Horses: Using Shapes and Lines Drawing and Learning About Horses : Using Shapes and Lines by Amy Bailey Muehlenhardt Call Number: 746.3 MUE This book...
Where The Sidewalk Ends Where The Sidewalk Ends : The Poems & Drawings of Shel Silverstein Call Number: 811 SIL Very funny poems. To...
U.S. Air Force Fighters U.S. Air Force Fighters by Carrie A. Braulick. Call Number: 623.74 BRA This book was mostly about air force fighter jets. It shows...
Draw Manga Villains! Xtreme art : draw manga villains! by Christopher Hart. I am making a rave review for Draw Manga Villains because I think...
Easy Origami Easy Origami by Didier Boursin with translation and origami consultation by John Reid. The review is about a book called Easy Origami. The...
Falling Up: Poems and Drawings Falling Up: Poems and Drawings by Shel Silverstein is a good book because it has really funny stories in...
Lego Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary Lego Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary by Simon Beecroft. LEGO! LEGO! LEGO! Do you like Legos? I know I do....