LMNO Peas We are Peas…where should we work? What should we be? Follow the peas as they go through the...
The RBE Library is OPEN in the morning! The RBE Library has an exciting announcement… We Will Be Open To Students In The Morning! Students will simply...
Last Week @RBE Library Last week at the RBE Library, we showed students our new check in and check out procedures. Our hope...
Research @RBE Library This last week at the RBE Library, students from a third grade class participated in independent research with gudiance...
Our First Overdrive Student! This week, a student at RBE and I successfully got books downloaded to his personal iTouch! Zak was our...
Last Week at the RBE Library… Last week at the RBE Library, students in grades 3-5 were introduced to the new RBE Library through technology...
Just Right Book! When our library friends come into the library, we want them to be able to find books that they...
RBE Staff Meeting Scavenger Hunt RBE Staff! Welcome back to school! In an effort to serve you better, I am asking that all staff...
RBE Library Motto At the RBE Library, we have created a mission statement and a motto to go with the Ruth Borchardt...
Learning the Library Scavenger Hunt-Lost & Damaged Books When books become damaged or lost, the RBE Library staff have to remove them from the library. This means...
Stink Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid by Megan McDonald and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds is a great “Guy Grab”...
Word After Word After Word Word After Word After Word by Patricia MacLachlan, beloved author of many timeless books like Sarah Plain and Tall ...
New School, New Library, New Year… People who are not in education and don’t have kids in school, usually don’t understand those of us who...
Read. Learn. Connect. Welcome to the official RBE Library website. This is more than just a blog, this is a website for...
Juniper Berry Juniper Berry by M. P. Kozlowsky and illustrations by Erwin Madrid is a new book that I read this...
Under Construction! The RBE Library is currently under construction. We are redecorating and remodeling to give the RBE Library a new...
Welcome to the New RBE Library Website! This is the official website for the RBE Library at Ruth Borchardt Elementary in Frisco ISD! Welcome! More to...