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Students, you are about to participate in some library orientation stations. As you are moving through the stations and acquiring your codes, enter them on the Google Form below or go to the form here. Once you get all 6 codes, you will be directed to the website to take the quiz. The quiz is for a grade, so do your best!
Station 1: Printing
At this station you will learn how to print. Watch the video below and then complete this Google Doc. After you fill in the answers, show it to Mrs. Lambert for your code.
Click Here Next!
Log into any PC or laptop in the library including the computer on the back of the big circ desk. In order for you to release your print job from the printer you must be logged in the computer with your 6 digit student ID and your 8 digit birthday. Students can release their print job from ANY printer in the building not just the printer in the library . There is no color printing for students in the library. There is no printing from a Chromebooks.
Station 2: Books
At this station you will learn about getting a book. Students can access the library catalog through the library website and the computers on the circulation desk. Now is your opportunity to check out a book if you want to.
Tell Mrs. Lambert what number you use to checkout a book and she will give your next code.
Station 3: Chromebooks & Laptops
At this station you will review the policies for using Chromebooks and Laptops in the library. Read the policies below and then create a 15 second FlipGrid to explain the policies. Click Here to go to FlipGrid. You can also download the free app for your device if you want. Once you have created your FlipGrid, come show her get your code from Mrs. Lambert.
When you are here with your class and a teacher, you can use a laptop or Chromebook without checking it out.
When you come on your own from class without the rest of your class or a teacher, you need to ask Mrs. Lambert or a student aide to checkout a laptop or Chromebook to you.
Chromebooks and laptops should be returned to Mrs. Lambert or a student library aide when they are checked out. DO NOT put them back in the cart. If Mrs. Lambert is gone, put them in her chair.
The library is open 8:00-4:30 and Chromebooks and laptops can be checked out during that time. Students must have a pass when they come to the library from 9:00-4:15.
Students are not allowed to come to the library during lunch for any reason, including to work on a Chromebook or laptop.
Station 4: Family Connections 
For this station you will go to the RHS Counselors Website and click on the Family Connections icon. Once you are logged in, come show Mrs. Lambert your login screen for your code.
Station 5: x2Vol
For this station you will go to and create an account or check your existing account. ALL Reedy students need an x2Vol account. Watch this video to see how to make sure your x2Vol account is set up correctly. When you are done either creating your account or checking to make sure it is set up correctly, show Mrs. Lambert and she will give you the key to the code.
Station 6: Reedy Remind
At this station, you will make sure you are signed up for your grade level Remind. Show Mrs. Lambert the confirmation text and you will get you last code.
Text Reminder for important updates:
As you are moving through the stations and acquiring your codes, enter them on the Google Form below or go to the form here. Once you get all 6 codes, you will be directed to the website to take the quiz. The quiz is for a grade, so do your best!
I really liked this idea please can have access to your Google doc. I want to know what you have covered in the Quiz. I am thinking of planning the same orientation for my MYP 1, 2,3 classes.