Audition packets for both acting and technical will be available in the theatre room (F129) on the first day of school and will be available through 8/25/16.
- Due to the fact that this show will be the first week of November the audition process will be earlier than last year. All audition packets are due by 8/26/16 at 4:10 pm.
- Acting auditions will be held Monday, 8/29, Tuesday, 8/30, Wednesday, 8/31. Actors, you will need to have the following audition pieces prepared for Monday 8/29:
- 30 sec.-1 minute monologue (this is a comedy so a comic monologue may be a good choice but it is not necessary)
- 24-36 measures of a song (about a minute)
- Song must be from a musical or film (Please do not choose a song from The Addams Family)
- Choose something that shows your vocal range and must be in the same musical style as The Addams Family
- Must provide your own accompaniment
- The dance portion of the audition will be provided to you
- Technical auditions will be held in the mornings by appointment.
- Tuesday, 9/6 will be the first read through with the whole company. They will get their rehearsal calendars then.
I encourage anyone interested in acting or backstage to audition. You do not have to be in the class to audition. Please contact Mr. Shurr if you have any questions at [email protected].