One of the things I am most proud of in life is being a school librarian. I have the honor and the privilege of working with the amazing students and staff of Reedy High School and for 11 years now I have worked in awesome Frisco ISD where I have grown and changed as an educator so much. I am also extremely passionate about advocating for school libraries. Our friends at Mackin Educational Resources are sponsoring an important movement where they are helping and encouraging librarians to Transform Your School Library. This is why I am proud to say that I have not only joined the Transform Your School Library Movement, but I am also working as an advocate.
I truly believe change is the only constant, and this statement is certainly applicable to school libraries. School libraries have to be open to changing, and to changing in the ways that our students need. If we aren’t the “third place” for our students, we are missing an opportunity to fill a need in our students academic and personal lives.
The reasons I am joining this movement are:
- I want to help other school librarians transform their libraries.
- I want to show others how my school library has changed and will continue to transform to meet the needs of my students.
- I want to share the resources that have helped me transform my library
- I want to share the ideas and work of all the people that have inspired me.
- I want to work with other like minded librarians
You can find out more by Reading the TYSL Mission or watching this video.
If you are interested in joining too, please click here or feel free to contact me and I would happy to share more with you!
Follow the TYSL Movement on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Be sure to share your story and your work with transforming your school library by using the hashtag #MackinTYSL.
I look forward to seeing all my librarian friends join this movement and share all that we are doing and all that we will do together!
Hello ma’am,
i need you assistance in i do i transform my school library. will you please share the resources
I joined earlier this week. I’m excited to be apart of this!
I just joined a week ago! Yay!