I am absolutely thrilled to be getting our #MSELib #McMakerspace up and running! For more information about the #MSELib MakerSpace CLICK HERE!
I want to go ahead and put some signups out there for the next #McMakerMonday that will be on Monday, December 15, 2014. Students in grades K-5 can sign up for this Maker Monday.
We will be using our Little Bits Kits to build with circuits! Parents are welcome to attend, you will just need to sign in through the front office and be ready in the Library at 3:00.
For this Maker Monday participants to do not need to bring anything except a willingness to learn and an eagerness to get hands on!
McSpedden Teachers are welcome to attend to!
We hope to see many McSpedden Makers at this Maker Monday!
Also, we only have 4 Little Bits Kits, so if any parents might be interested in donating funds to help us purchase additional kits ($170 each), please contact Mrs. Lambert and let her know [email protected] .
Please fill out the form below students if you are interested in participating in the Legos Maker Monday! I am only taking 16 students for this Maker Monday because I have limited supplies!