Fake Mustache

fake mustacheFake Mustache

by Tom Angleberger


Fake Mustache is a book about 12 year old Casper Bengue and his evil fake mustache.Casper walks into a novelty shop having $200 dollars to spend.He wants to buy the handlebar mustache number seven.he needs $10 more dollars.He borrows from his friend Lenny.Lenny soon regrets it!If you want to find out what happens you have to read the book!

My favorite part of the book was when Lenny saves Casper instead of arresting him!

If you like the Oragami Yoda series you’ll like this book.

This book’s genre is fantasy. This book’s story line is action oriented,and  funny. This book left me feeling shocked,and  surprised. On a scale of 1-5, I give this book a 4.

This review was written and submitted by 5th grader Chaitanya Bojji.

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