As we wrap up the 2012-2013 School Year, I am pleased to announce our Math Stats Champions and our Ultimate Math Stats Champions!
At the RBE Library this year, we had a Math Stats Challenge program. Every month I posted a challenge for each grade level that reflected the math being taught in the classroom that month.
Students who chose to participate came to the library for the entry form. They could either see the math problem posted in the cafeteria or go online where I posted the math challenges for each grade level every month.
I decided to recognize the 13 students who got the Math Stats Challenge correct for at least 5 or more months as the Math Stats Challenge Champions. I also recognized the students who submitted the Math Stats Challenge every month all year and got it correct as ULTIMATE Math Stats Challenge Champions!
To see all the Math Stats Challenges from the 2012-2013 School year CLICK HERE!
2012-2013 School Year Math Stats Champions (5 or more months correct)
2012-2013 School Year ULTIMATE Math Stats Challenge Champions (ALL 8 months correct)