My life as a book by Janet Tashjian with cartoons by Jake Tashjian
Call Number: F TAS
Derek is a fun, prank, lovable dude who has a past that nearly lost him his life. He has a phobia of reading, and he has to go to learning camp. But when he reads the newspaper about his past, his whole life of not liking reading changed. In this book, you will see many fun stick figure drawings. Including our favorite, hazardous.
Our favorite part of the book was when Derek messed with the satellite dish on his house.
If you like Diary of A Wimpy Kid books, you will like this book!
This book’s genre is realistic fiction. This book’s story line is action oriented and funny. This book left me feeling cheerful, crazy, giggly. On a scale of 1-5, we give this book a 4.
This review was written and submitted by the October 5th grade Boys Book Club!