Call Number: F BLU
This book is about Fudge who wants to take over the world. He makes his own money and calls it “Fugde Bucks”. In fact he tries to buy stuff with the “Fudge Bucks”!
Will he take over the world by “Fudge Bucks”? Read to find out! 🙂
My favorite part was when Fudge gave the store manager his “Fudge Bucks” to buy shoes. Then the manager said he doesn’t take play money and Fudge stirred up with lava.
If you like funny and cute books, you’ll like this book!
This book’s genre is realistic fiction. This book’s story line is funny and cute. This book left me feeling cheerful, giggly, glad. On a scale of 1-5, this book is a 4.
This review is was written and submitted by 5th grader Minji.