2nd Grade Inferences Books

This week at the RBE Library, the 2nd grade classes used the iPads to create their own Inferences book.

Since the students were learning all about how to inference (the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation), we wanted the students to have the chance to inference.

We used the Strip Designer app (pictured on the iPad) and gave pairs of students a picture that they needed to infer about what happened prior to the picture being taken, and what happened after.

Then, I uploaded their PDF’s to the FlipSnack website to create the online books you see below.

The kids had a lot of fun using these pictures to draw inferences and then write about them!


Mrs. Borgonzi’s Class


Mrs. Thomas’ Class


Ms. Dautrich’s Class


Mrs. Kopil’s Class


Mrs. Reed’s Class


Mrs. Hildebrand’s Class



3 comments on “2nd Grade Inferences Books
  1. I love this idea of making flip books, but where did you get the pictures that you used? Thanks for sharing!

  2. You really have an awesome site. Every time I visit, I am amazed at what you do and get some great ideas for my own library. Question…how many iPads do you have access to in the library to complete the digital projects with your students?

    • Hi Mary,

      Thanks for the compliment! I work hard for my students and teachers, and it is so worth it when they are in the library! I have 6 iPads that i share with the Specials team (music, art, PE) and then each grade level has 6 that they bring when we do activities. So, we can have up to 12.

      Let me know if I can ever be of any help to you!
      Nancy Jo

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