RBE Library Holds

Students, sometimes a book that you really want is checked out. At the RBE Library when you are searching the online catalog or the shelf and the book you want is checked out, you can put a HOLD on it.


When you put a HOLD a book, we will pull that book and save it for you when it comes back to the library so you can check it out.




If you get a notification that looks like the paper pictured below, that means your HOLD book is in.

You will pick up your book from the Hold Shelf. The Holds Shelf is pictured below.

Watch the video below to learn how to place a hold.


Watch the video below to learn  what to do if your book is on hold when you bring it back.


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5 comments on “RBE Library Holds
  1. Do you have any issues with students picking up books on hold that do not belong to them?

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