Summer Reading Rocks in FISD!

This summer, FISD Librarians want our fabulous students to stay connected to each other, to reading, and to great books!

In order to do that, we will all be participating in a blog over the summer where we and students will post comments, book reviews, and have online discussions about books and what we are reading!

If you will be reading some great books this summer, be sure to go to: to post comments, write book reviews, and join in the conversation about great books and summer reading!

In order to participate, students will need to use their Google Apps account. Below are the instructions in case students don’t know or have forgotten!

Google Apps Account Instructions:

To leave a comment on the FISD Summer Reading Blog you will need to use your FISD Google Account.

All FISD students have a Google email address, so please use this account to login if you are able.
The username for the account is: where the ### are the last three digits of the student’s ID Number.
The password for the account is the student’s 8 digit birthday, unless they have changed that information during the school year.
I can’t wait for you to join the conversation!
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