Season’s Greetings!

This week at the RBE Library, we are preparing for our two week long winter break. Before student go away for the break, we are encouraging them to stock up with books to read over the long break.

In addition, we would like for parents to know that you may come into the library all this week from 7:15-7:45 in the morning, or from 3:00-3:30 in the afternoon to set up a parent account and check out books for your family over the break.

We have a display filled with winter and holiday books that are just waiting for students and families to find them and give them a good read over the break!

We have had a lot going on here at the RBE Library, so watch for updates, book reviews, videos, and additional content to be added to the website during this week and over the break.

Also, last week we passed out extra checkout coupons to all the teachers to reward students who display excellent behavior this week! We hope that many students will earn them and get an extra checkout this week!


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