What Should Go In A Great Rave Review… According to RBE Students!

Last week at the RBE Library, students were shown book reviews written by the RBE Librarian. In these book reviews, the librarian modeled and explained what students should put in their own book reviews. The RBE Library launched the Rave Reviews program, where students can submit book reviews to the RBE Librarian to then be posted on the library website.

This way, when students read great books, they can write about them and share them with each other on the library website! Then, when students come into the library and want to read a great book, they can check the reviews on the website, and the Rave Reviews shelf.

So, what did RBE students decide should be in a great Rave Review? See the list below.

RBE Students’ List of What Should Be in a  Great Rave Review

  1. Title of the book
  2. Author and/ or illustrator of the book
  3. The Call Number (on the white label on the spine of the book)
  4. Information about the series (if the book belongs to a series)
  5. Information about any awards the book has won
  6. Main idea and important details
  7. Don’t write negative stuff about the book
  8. Don’t tell about the WHOLE book
  9. Don’t tell about the ending
  10. Write in sentences and paragraphs
  11. write between 200-500 words
  12. Write about books in a way that catches the reader’s attention
  13. Persuade the reader to want to read the book
  14. Use descriptive words
  15. F.A.D. (Feelings, Actions, & Details)
  16. Show the reader about the book through good descriptions. Don’t just Tell them. (Show, Don’t Tell)
  17. Explain about your favorite part
  18. Hook the reader to make them want to read the book
  19. Use good word choice
  20. Check your spelling
  21. Use Voice in your writing
  22. Explain about the main problem or conflict in the book
  23. Write a good summary
  24. Explain the best things about the book
  25. Make text to self connections
  26. Explain why people would like the book
  27. Write about a “slice of the pie” (Zoom in on one great part of the book)
  28. Tell about the characters
  29. Tell the reader what genre or genres the book is
  30. Intrigue the reader
  31. The review should be entertaining
  32. Use humor in the review if the book is funny
  33. Create a mental image to interest the reader
  34. Explain how you felt when reading the book
  35. Explain what you think the author’s purpose was
  36. Explain why you liked the book

RBE students have great writing teachers, and they had extensive knowledge about good writing! It was very exciting to see them evaluate the book reviews I had written, and then interact with them while they compiled this list! RBE students are great writers, and have already submitted several Rave Reviews this week. I am excited to see all the writing RBE students will do!


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  1. Pingback: Last Week @RBE Library : Ruth Borchardt Elementary Library

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