Last week at the RBE Library, students in grades 3-5 were given a refresher on how to use the library catalog. Students used Macbooks to complete a KEYWORD search, a TITLE search, and an AUTHOR search. Students were shown to how to read catalog results for pertinent information such as the status of item and the call number. Students were also shown how to place a HOLD on an item that is checked out that they want to read!
I have also created a Student Wish List Form for students to complete when they see that there is a book they want to read that the RBE Library doesn’t have. Students are welcome to complete this form at any time.
While I explained to the students that not every book they want will the library be able to get, I also explained how important it is to me to know what they want! With no book money from the district this year, we hope to get some donations so we can still purchase some new books for the library this year. You can access the Wish List form by clicking here.
Find this book in Easy Fiction at E STE
K-2 students enjoyed a storytime with the book Interrupting Chicken a funny book about a little red chicken that has trouble staying quiet during his bedtime storytime.
You can check this book at the RBE Library.
As always, students enjoyed checking and checking out their books and then hanging out and reading at the RBE Library!