5th Grade Alternative Energy Inquiry Activity


This week in the RBE Library, all 5th grade students will be coming into the library to do an inquiry activity about alternative energy. Students will have an opportunity to explore the information process of asking questions about alternative energy, using quality resources to find the answers to their questions, and then presenting their learning to others.

We are focusing not only on the topic of alternative energy, but on the process of how do we ask quality questions, find quality sources to answer those questions, and then present our learning to others. The learning that takes place is not just about alternative energy, but also about the inquiry and research process.Click hereΒ for the alternative energy question web.

Station 1

You are about to watch a video created by the US Department of Energy. In this video, President Obama wants our country to fund alternative energy research and alternative energy production. Read the questions below.

Question 1: Why do the people in this video say it is so important for us to find new and cleaner ways to generate energy?

Question 2: Based on what you heard in this video, why do you think it is so important for our country to find advances in alternative energy?


After your group watches the video discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.


Station 2

Click Here to go to Eco Kids. Use the interactive image to look at the image of different renewable energies. Read about renewable energy at the top of the page.

Question 1: What are the four main types of renewable energy?

Question 2: What does this site say about the positives and negatives of renewable energy?

After you read the questions, click on each of the images and read further about renewable energy.

After your group reads the information and discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.


Station 3

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids on hydropower. Click here.

Question 1: What is hydropower?

Question 2: What are negative impacts on the environment from hydropower provided by dams?

After you read the questions, read about hydropower (down to the video, watch the video and STOP).

After your group reads the information and discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.


Station 4

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids. Click here.

Question 1: What is geothermal energy?

Question 2: Is geothermal energy available everywhere?

After you read the questions, read about geothermal energy (down to Use of Geothermal Energy and STOP).

After your group reads the information and discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.

Station 5


Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids. Click here.

Question 1: What is solar energy?

Question 2: What are the drawbacks to solar energy?

After you read the questions, read about solar energy (down to Where Solar is found and STOP) Watch the video on the library website now.

After your group reads the information and discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.

Station 6

Look at the information from the US Energy Administration for Kids. Click here.

Question 1: What is wind energy?

Question 2: Why is wind a difficult power source?

After you read the questions, read about wind energy (down to Major Wind Power Locations and STOP). Click hereΒ to see how a wind turbine works. Then watch the video.

After your group reads the information and discuss the questions, then, write a question of your own on your alternative energy question web.


Students, here is a link to some cool experiements you can try! Click Here

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78 comments on “5th Grade Alternative Energy Inquiry Activity
  1. πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸš¬πŸš¬πŸš¬πŸš¬πŸš¬πŸš¬ i like this website

  2. I have a question, If we go green, what will happen to the resources that we were first using? Won’t they build up over the years and we will probably have to start using them again so we won’t have as much build up?

  3. Renewable resources are plants animals wind and solar energy
    The definition of renewable resources is that it can be replaced

    You should go to my website, called answers.com

    Thankyou and I’m 10

  4. a very good source of information. I like this site a lot.

    PS i love to comment

    PPS Stay Fresh

  5. Pingback: Last Week @RBE Library : Ruth Borchardt Elementary Library

  6. Pingback: What Is Alternative Energy : altPower411.com

  7. Davis:”Everyone should use this kind of energy because it is renewable and it helps save energy for the future. SO USE IT TODAY, EVEN BETTER, RIGHT NOW!

  8. cooper:this was alot funner than doing a power point in class

    Kanika: I was very intrigued by the information that was given to me it made me question if these are the best sources of power or not.

  9. I learned new things and discovered with these energys we are saving money and making the planet greener for everyone living on earth. I sure hope the videos are right!

  10. I really loved this activity because I learned many things and some of these words are our vocabulary words that will be on our test, so it helped me understand those words better. Also, it was fun because we had a partner and we got an opportunity to work with a mac-book!

  11. I never new there was geothermal energy in touch with alternitive energy – Bonita

    I learned that how solar energy works – Shreya

  12. we learned that alternative energy is better for the earth than fossil fuels and it is eco friendly but it is very expensive.

  13. We learned that there are more than three ways(wind, solar, and hydroelectric)to produce eco-friendly electricity.

  14. Grace Ellen and I learned about how different types of energy can help us (Wind energy, Solar powered energy)

  15. Grace Ellen and I learned about how different types of energy can help us (Wind energy, Solar powered energy)

  16. Pingback: 5th Grade Alternative Energy Inquiry Activity : Ruth Borchardt … | Green Energy Blog

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